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eNews | May 2020

Food Distribution Sponsored by CCANO, Second Harvest, St. Charles Parish Government, Salvation Army, National Guard and St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office taking place on May 21 in Luling

CCANO is partnering with Second Harvest, St. Charles Parish Government, Salvation Army, National Guard and St. Charles Parish Sherrif's Office to host a Food Distribution on Thursday, May 21 at 9AM.  The Food Distribution will take place at the Dufresne Center, located at 274 Judge Edward Dufresne Parkway in Luling, 70070. 

 Since COVID-19 pandemic and the Stay and Home Order, many people are struggling to receive paychecks and purchase much needed essentials like food. 

Recipients may begin arriving at the Dufresne Center parking lot for the distribution at 9AM.

Recipients will be required to remain in their vehicles with windows rolled up during the event.

Food Distribution will be limited to drive-through recipients only and the distribution will be limited to one household per vehicle.

Recipients are asked to place a laundry basket, a box, or medium sized ice-chest in their vehicle trunk to accept the food items to be distributed.

It has estimated that there will be enough food to distribute to 600 vehicles.  We will distribute food until we run out. 

We are so appreciative to partner with St. Charles Parish Government, Salvation Army, National Guard and St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office to help those in the community! 

For more information, visit here or contact Emily Stieber at

GiveNOLA Day
GiveNola Day 

In light of current events, GiveNOLA has been postponed to June 2.  Our GiveNOLA page went live on May 5 for GivingTuesdayNow up until the new date of June 2.  

You can schedule your gift up until June 1 at 11:59PM.  

Visit our GiveNOLA Page here.  

Pope Francis Laudato Si
CCANO to Host Environmental Virtual Panel and Prayer Service on Thursday, May 21 at 1PM. 

 Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans (CCANO) will host an environmental virtual panel and prayer service on Thursday, May 21 at 1PM.  The virtual panel will take place during the fifth anniversary Laudato Si Week. 

CCANO’s Office of Justice and Peace is committed to Pope Francis’ request for the community to set aside time to focus on the environment in coordination with the five-year anniversary of his encyclical Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si’).

Speakers will address environmental concerns and preserving the planet and preservation efforts in Louisiana.

To join the virtual panel, please use the following information:

To Join the Call - To join the call, click:

2) Click "Join Audio" - Click “Join Audio” on the bottom left of your screen.

Choose Audio OptionChoose ONE of the audio conference options: 

  •  Computer Audio - Click green button “Join Audio Conference by Computer”
  •  Phone Call - +13126266799, 83105273771#, 1#,017744#

U.S. Meeting ID - 831 0527 3771

Participant ID - Look on your computer screen

For more information, visit here


Tell A Friend

Thank you to everyone who has contributed during COVID-19! 

Services Open and Benefiting COVID-19 Impacted:

Access Pregnancy Center: pregnancy counseling and clinic

(504) 832-1503

Mental Health Counseling

(504) 310-6933

Workforce and Job Search:

(504) 310-6906

Homelessness: Particularly for families. 

(504) 523-3755


Food Distribution

CCANO to Host Food Collection: CCANO will be accepting donations of non-perishable foods for their food pantry. For more information, click here

Calendar of events


Mark Your Calendar!  

May 21- CCANO, Second Harvest, St. Charles Parish Government, Salvation Army, National Guard and St. Charles Parish Sheriff's Office to Host Food Distribution at 9AM in Luling

May 21 - CCANO to Host Environmental Virtual Panel and Prayer Service at 1PM. 

June 2 - GiveNOLA Day 


1000 Howard Ave. Suite 200 New Orleans, LA 70113 | Tel: (504) 523-3755
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