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Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans

September 2022 E-News

Dear Friend,

Traditionally September means "back to school", summer is over and fall begins! For CCANO it's back to business. Our pace is full speed ahead. During this month we celebrate with our PACE program as it is national PACE month. Also, we observe national suicide prevention and awareness month.

This year we celebrate 15 years with our PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) program. Continuing to care for those who have cared for us is our motto at PACE. We have recently completed an animated video about exactly what PACE does to help educate those that have questions. We have the video posted on our website. To view the short informative video click here.

Many of our programs offer counseling services and in this newsletter we talk to our Counseling Solutions Director, Lisa Surrency, M.Ed, LPC-S, NCC and Susan Fendlason who is our ST. Charles Parish School Based counseling Director. We are dedicated to move our clients from crisis to stability.

We are reminded of Archbishop Rummel's words spoken in 1938, "May we increase our sense of responsibility towards the preservation of our tradition of charity."

"Over all these put on love, which is the bond of perfection."

 (Colossians 3:14)  

Sister Marjoire Hebert and ChildrenSignature
 Sr. Marjorie Hebert, MSC
President and CEO


Bethlehem Housing Success Story

Lovly & Brian's story

Many months ago while looking at all available options for their family, Lovly received information about Catholic Charities. She reached out by sending an inquiry through the website and was amazed at the timeliness of the call from Bethlehem Housing Director, Trinna Stanford. "It really was the perfect time as we were having issues with where to live." Trinna immediately expedited the process to get this young family into a hotel and safe. Case worker, Ashley Shields was assigned to continue to assist and move them from crisis to stable. "Our lives have greatly improved since we got involved with Catholic Charities," says Lovly "in fact I have great news I am registered to start pharmacy tech school in a month."

At this point, Brian has a full-time position with a national auto glass company that he is very pleased with, Lovly is doing well and Lacey is growing and surprising everyone with how much fight she has in her heart and soul to achieve more than her diagnosis suggests. Ultimately Lovly's dream is to be able to build her own home with all the needed ramps and space so that Lacey will have a safe, beautiful space to live happily.

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Suicide Prevention & Awareness Month

Call 988

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Lexi Nelson, PLCP, began working with Catholic Charities Counseling Solutions as an intern while studying at the University of Holy Cross. After receiving her masters degree in counseling Lexi now works full time out of our Dante St. location. "I wouldn't have imagined working with adults." Lexi says, "Mainly I started out working with adolescents and young adults. Working with CCANO, meeting these clients, has given me a new perspective and I really enjoy and appreciate the clients we work with here at CCANO."

It takes time to build rapport with clients. There are many that aren't willing or able to accept counseling until they are older adults and the issues have impacted their life in such a way as to require intervention. One of the first steps when working with an individual who has expressed suicidal ideation is to work on a safety plan. This can only happen successfully once the rapport is established and the client is open to accepting the assistance of a counselor.

"Pressure on children during this climate of change primarily due to COVID has been great. Many parents are finally realizing that the children are under unrealistic expectations of being able to just deal with such an unstable environment.." explains Lisa Surrency,PhD,LPC-S,NCC, Registered Play Therapist. During times of stress the need to keep communication avenues open is vitally important. During this month of suicide awareness and prevention we want to remove the stigma and allow those feeling lost or depressed to talk and reach out.

For more information on CCANO's Counseling Services go to:

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PACE is 15 years old!

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Our PACE program celebrated with food, fun,entertainment and gifts for participants and employees.

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 EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT: Kevin Fitzpatrick

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Kevin Fitzpatrick is the director of CCANO's Office of Justice and Peace. Recently he was chosen as a Board Chair for the Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Directors at the annual Social Action Summer Institute held at St. John's University in Collegeville, MN this past July. The "Catholic Roundtable" is a national association of people engaged in the social mission of the Church who share ideas and resources along with support dialogue around the social teachings of the Catholic Church.  Congratulations Kevin!

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 Emma and Addy domincan volunteers rev.jpgOver the summer Advancement had the opportunity to work with some delightful young volunteers from Dominican High School! Emma and Addy assisted the communications department with much needed inventory of shirts along wit working in our Food Pantry. Volunteering is an opportunity to get hands on involvement with what we at CCANO are doing on a daily basis. Thank you for your excellent service!

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St. Charles Parish School Based Counseling: Susan Fendlason,MSW, LCSW-BACS

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Each public school child who receives special education and related services must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP creates an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services personnel,and students (when appropriate) to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities. Through the process of evaluation of the individual student counseling is a piece of the support that some students will receive. Our school based counseling program in St. Charles Parish works with these students.

Susan Fendlason, MSW, LCSW-BACS has been with Catholic Charities for 17 years. As director, administrator and a counselor for our School Based Counseling Programs she along with 3 other counselors serve 17 St. Charles Parish Schools. Susan's experience throughout her career has primarily been working with children, which feels right to her. 

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The AHCA (Archbishop Hannan Community Appeal) kicks off today! Donations to the AHCA raise crucial unrestricted funds that allow Catholic Charities to respond swiftly, effectively and compassionately in times of crisis or disaster. Our 2022 goal is $1.75 million, and Vaughn and Doug Downing are this year's chair couple. To find out more about our programs go to:

To make your AHCA gift today, please click the button below.

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