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Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans

Second Collection for Catholic Charities is this weekend

During all Masses this weekend, Feb. 24-25, a second collection will be taken up for Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans. Your generosity is the miracle that can change lives, the hug that comforts a struggling soul, and the helping hand for over 73,000 people each year. Spread the word, encourage your family and friends, and let's show what the heart of all parishes can do when they beat as one. 

Click the image above for a brief video from President and CEO, Sr. Marjorie Hebert, M.S.C.

Centennial Moments

Legacy Society Initiative Helps Sustain Future of Catholic Charities

Office of Justice and Peace helps provide Christmas meals to Rayburn 
Correctional Center

The Office of Justice and Peace supported parish leaders from Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church to provide a Christmas dinner for over 100 residents of the St. Peter Community at Rayburn Correctional Center in December. During the celebration, Rayburn Chaplain Jerry Hughes recognized and presented a small medallion to both Michael Holland (standing) for 19 years of service and Jimmy Dykes (seated) for 18 years.
Chaplain Hughes then invited all in attendance to extend their hands in a blessing over Mike and Jimmy. Mike is the coordinator of six parish volunteers who visit the prison twice a month for communion services and Jimmy is one of the biweekly prison volunteers who collaborates with Mike. Fr. Angel Diaz (pictured offering a prayer before the meal) is the Catholic Chaplain who presides over Mass with the St. Peter Community twice a month.
Join us in celebrating the enduring spirit of giving, compassion, and community embodied by Mike, Jimmy, and all those who support the St. Peter Community at Rayburn.

ICYMI: Clarion Herald Spotlight

In the News:
Refugee Youth Mentor Ally Program

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